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Eugenio Culurciello

There is a new community on Google+: Neuromorphic Engineering https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/106429639703340584547 We can all use it for discussions and sharing information

Fuzzy logic and memristive hardware »

Massimiliano Versace

This brief essay, originated by the work on the Neuromorphics Lab in the DARPA SyNAPSE project, describes our early effort in the study of alternative computing schemes that will make use of massive memristive-based devices coupled with low-power CMOS processes to efficiently compute neural activation and learning in novel computing devices. The answer was to couple fuzzy inference with dense memristive memory. This combination can provide extensive power and silicon real estate savings while maintaining a high degree of accuracy in the resulting precision of the computations.

Computing in the Neocortex »

AnnMary Mathew

More than anything, the neocortex makes us human, so it has been said. Humans are better than any other living things at reading blog posts, scheduling daily activities, and filling out tax forms, among other things mundane and not. Much progress has been made localizing certain functions to certain areas of the brain, in the neocortex in particular. Other questions remain unanswered. These include how function arises from form: how do the individual neurons cooperate together to process and combine information? What is the role of each of the six neocortical layers in information processing? What impact does network connectivity have on the shape of dynamics? How do neuronal oscillations and rhythms help process information? How are different aspects of cognition coordinated? These questions are often difficult or impossible to answer from in-vivo measurements, not only because it is currently impossible to measure the state of all neurons in the brain, but also because knowledge of the state of each neuron would create an insurmountably large dataset that would be difficult to interpret.


Massimiliano Versace

Epiphany, the Adapteva multicore processor, has been designed with the primary goal of accelerating applications in low-power devices such as smartphones and tablets, but also servers (in particular, to reduce monstrous power demands of large servers)...

Consciousness and Neuromorphic Chips: A Case for Embodiment »

Sean Lorenz, Heather Ames, and Massimiliano Versace

After the attention paid to the IEEE paper on MONETA, the Neurdon crowd address the sticky issue of consciousness.

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