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Eugenio Culurciello

How do you track an object moving in space?

Neuromorphic computer vision: overcoming 3D limitations »

Ryad Benosman

A complete stereovision event-based framework to compute depth uses the output of two asynchronous, stimulus-based silicon retinas.
Object recognition in mobile robots »

Massimiliano Versace

If you want to design robots able to interact to the real world in a useful way, you will eventually bump into the problem of implementing robust object recognition... This post describes work done the Neuromorphics Lab, using the Cog Ex Machina software platform to recognize objects in an iRobot Create platform.

Modern classical conditioning: replacing a learning circuit in the brain »

Simeon A. Bamford and Paolo Del Giudice

A programmable chip can replace the ability of the cerebellum to learn a timed eye-blink response to a sound.
Learning to correct orientation estimates using spatial memory »

Tarek Massoud and Timothy Horiuchi

A simple learning rule that implements a spatial map can be used for online correction of position estimates in a neuromorphic head direction cell system.

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If you'd like to write an article or know of someone else who is doing relevant and interesting stuff, let us know. E-mail the and suggest the subject for the article and, if you're suggesting someone else's work, tell us their name, affiliation, and e-mail.