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Neuromorphic computer vision: overcoming 3D limitations »

Ryad Benosman

A complete stereovision event-based framework to compute depth uses the output of two asynchronous, stimulus-based silicon retinas.
On spike-timing-dependent-plasticity, memristive devices, and building a self-learning visual cortex »

Carlos Zamarreño-Ramos, Luis A. Camuñas-Mesa, Jose A. Pérez-Carrasco, Timothée Masquelier, Teresa Serrano-Gotarredona, and Bernabé Linares-Barranco

In this paper we are linking one type of memristor nanotechnology devices to the biological synaptic update rule known as spike-time-dependent-plasticity (STDP) found in real biological synapses. This allows neuromorphic engineers to develop circuit architectures that use this type of memristors to artificially emulate parts of the visual cortex.

Seeing with your brain »

Sunny Bains

Biological brains can do something that we're still working on building into machines: rewire themselves to take advantage of the best information available. This is a well-known phenomenon, but it's not widely understood just how radically different the rewiring or...
Where a little means a lot »

Sunny Bains

One of the things that has driven my work over the last decade has been an interest in analog systems (which I alluded to in an earlier post) that perform what I call physical computation. What that means is that...
Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion »

Ralph Etienne-Cummings

This volume is highly recommended for anyone interested in neuromorphic computation generally, or analog VLSI visual motion circuits more specifically.

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